Actor: Fiedler, Eberhard


Fiedler, Eberhard

1898 – 1947

Jurist, Kirchenpolitiker

Externe Links

Fiedler, Eberhard is involved in

Identifier Title Date Event type Other information
KBA 16506 3rd Aug 1934 Creation digitized
KBA 16595 10th Oct 1934 Creation digitized
KBA 16613 18th Oct 1934 Creation digitized
KBA 16639 31st Oct 1934 Creation digitized
KBA 16651 3rd Nov 1934 Creation digitized
KBA 16672 14th Nov 1934 Creation digitized
KBA 16708 5th Dec 1934 Creation digitized
KBA 16721 15th Dec 1934 Creation digitized
KBA 16834 6th Mar 1935 Creation digitized
KBA 9235.82 ca. 10th Apr 1935 Reception digitized
KBA 9334.1436 31st Dec 1934 Creation digitized
KBA 9335.284 10th Mar 1935 Creation digitized
1 to 12 from 12 Entries

Fiedler, Eberhard appears in

Identifier Title Date Level of description Other information
KBA 16746 Hermann Albert Hesse an Jacob Emil Karl Koch 29th Dec 1934 Item: 1 letter digitized
1 to 1 from 1 Entries