Actor: Lauterburg, Fritz


Lauterburg, Fritz

Lauterburg, Fritz is involved in

Identifier Title Date Event type Other information
KBA 45341 ca. 9th Jan 1954 Creation digitized
KBA 45342 ca. 27th Dec 1953 Creation digitized
KBA 45500 ca. 29th Dec 1955 Creation digitized
KBA 9211.77.78 ca. 17th Sep 1911 Reception digitized
KBA 9311.94 14th Aug 1911 Creation digitized
1 to 5 from 5 Entries

Lauterburg, Fritz appears in

Identifier Title Date Level of description Other information
KBA 45341 [Bericht von Fritz Lauterburg über Barths Gespräch in Schwamendingen] 9th Jan 1954 Item: 1 miscellaneous digitized
KBA 45500 Karl Barth in Schwamendingen / 28. Sepember 1955 1955 Item: 1 miscellaneous digitized
1 to 2 from 2 Entries