Actor: Hirsch, Emanuel


Hirsch, Emanuel

14th Jun 1888 – 17th Jul 1972

Emanuel Hirsch (* 14. Juni 1888 in Bentwisch bei Wittenberge; † 17. Juli 1972 in Göttingen) war ein deutscher evangelisch-lutherischer Theologe, Deutscher Christ und aktiver Befürworter der Ideologie und Politik der NSDAP, deren Mitglied er ab 1937 war.

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Hirsch, Emanuel is involved in

Identifier Title Date Event type Other information
KBA 16028 28th May 1933 Creation digitized
KBA 16099 16th Jul 1933 Creation digitized
KBA 16251.19 no date Creation digitized
KBA 17146 May 1936 Creation digitized
KBA 2667 1932 Creation digitized
KBA 2692 1932 Creation digitized
KBA 9228.49 ca. 14th Mar 1928 Reception digitized
KBA 9228.50 ca. 16th Mar 1928 Reception digitized
KBA 9229.280 ca. 19th Dec 1929 Reception digitized
KBA 9229.295 ca. 31st Dec 1929 Reception digitized
KBA 9232.133 ca. 18th Apr 1932 Reception digitized
KBA 9232.148 ca. 5th May 1932 Reception digitized
KBA 9232.159 ca. 10th May 1932 Reception digitized
KBA 9232.164 ca. 17th May 1932 Reception digitized
KBA 9253.142 ca. 13th Sep 1953 Reception digitized | Protection period until: 2037
KBA 9321.157 28th Jun 1921 Creation digitized
KBA 9321.164 3rd Jul 1921 Creation digitized
KBA 9321.194 9th Aug 1921 Creation digitized
KBA 9322.191 20th Jul 1922 Creation digitized
KBA 9322.75 16th Mar 1922 Creation digitized
KBA 9323.107 21st Mar 1923 Creation digitized
KBA 9323.110 22nd Mar 1923 Creation digitized
KBA 9324.383 22nd Dec 1924 Creation digitized
KBA 9325.457 25th Oct 1925 Creation digitized
KBA 9326.0.3 31st Jul 1926 Creation
1 to 25 from 39 Entries

Hirsch, Emanuel appears in

Identifier Title Date Level of description Other information
KBA 9231.292 Karl Barth an einen Kollegen 13th Oct 1931 Item: 1 letter digitized
1 to 1 from 1 Entries