Actor: Herzog, Friedrich


Herzog, Friedrich

Friedrich Herzog Junior, später: Frederick Herzog.

Herzog, Friedrich is involved in

Identifier Title Date Event type Other information
KBA 44810 22nd Jul 1948 Creation digitized
KBA 9249.106 ca. 22nd May 1949 Reception digitized | Protection period until: 2033
KBA 9250.165 ca. 12th Aug 1950 Reception digitized | Protection period until: 2034
KBA 9250.205 ca. 14th Oct 1950 Reception digitized | Protection period until: 2034
KBA 9253.189 ca. 20th Oct 1953 Reception digitized | Protection period until: 2037
KBA 9254.25 ca. 14th Feb 1954 Reception digitized | Protection period until: 2038
KBA 9256.61 ca. 3rd Mar 1956 Reception digitized | Protection period until: 2040
KBA 9348.797 28th Aug 1948 Creation digitized | Protection period until: 2032
KBA 9349.273 15th Apr 1949 Creation digitized | Protection period until: 2033
KBA 9349.340 7th May 1949 Creation digitized | Protection period until: 2033
KBA 9349.639 27th Sep 1949 Creation digitized | Protection period until: 2033
KBA 9350.1 1st Jan 1950 Creation digitized | Protection period until: 2034
KBA 9350.262 6th May 1950 Creation digitized | Protection period until: 2034
KBA 9350.424 17th Jul 1950 Creation digitized | Protection period until: 2034
KBA 9351.803 5th Dec 1951 Creation digitized | Protection period until: 2035
KBA 9352.221 23rd Apr 1952 Creation digitized | Protection period until: 2036
KBA 9352.308 12th May 1952 Creation digitized | Protection period until: 2036
KBA 9352.5 5th Jan 1952 Creation digitized | Protection period until: 2036
KBA 9352.506 4th Sep 1952 Creation digitized | Protection period until: 2036
KBA 9352.731 16th Dec 1952 Creation digitized | Protection period until: 2036
KBA 9352.76 31st Jan 1952 Creation digitized | Protection period until: 2036
KBA 9353.280 13th May 1953 Creation digitized | Protection period until: 2037
KBA 9353.508 9th Sep 1953 Creation digitized | Protection period until: 2037
KBA 9353.599 28th Oct 1953 Creation digitized | Protection period until: 2037
KBA 9354.204 12th Apr 1954 Creation digitized | Protection period until: 2038
1 to 25 from 54 Entries

Herzog, Friedrich appears in

Identifier Title Date Level of description Other information
KBA 44810 Brief Friedrich Herzogs an seine Freunde 22nd Jul 1948 Item: letter digitized
KBA 9250.6 Charlotte von Kirschbaum an Béla Vasady 4th Jan 1950 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2034
1 to 2 from 2 Entries