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Briefe 1949 :: Briefe aus dem Jahr 1949 (Class)

Reference CodeBriefe 1949
TitleBriefe aus dem Jahr 1949
Level of DescriptionClass
Object TypeCollection
Description Control
Created2018-05-27 11:42:45 / anton
Updated2022-07-05 10:14:27 / anton  
2019-03-13 19:56:43 / tstarzynski
2018-10-17 11:36:12 / tstarzynski
2018-10-17 11:36:12 / tstarzynski
2018-06-17 16:50:12 / anton


Identifier Title Date Level of description Other information
KBA 98812.182 Lili Simon an Charlotte von Kirschbaum 1949 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2033
KBA 98733.5 Benedict Vischer an Charlotte von Kirschbaum Jan 1949 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2033
KBA 98826.129 Gottfried Traub an Charlotte von Kirschbaum Jan 1949 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2033
KBA 98055.7 Gusty Boehnke an Charlotte von Kirschbaum 1st Jan 1949 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2033
KBA 98515.2 Willi Stadler an Charlotte von Kirschbaum 1st Jan 1949 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2033
KBA 9249.1 Karl Barth an Arthur Frey 1st Jan 1949 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2033
KBA 9349.1 Martin Richter an Karl Barth 1st Jan 1949 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2033
KBA 9249.3 Karl Barth an Edgar Boué 2nd Jan 1949 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2033
KBA 9249.2 Karl Barth an Ernst Sartorius 2nd Jan 1949 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2033
KBA 9349.3 Edward A. Cooperinder an Karl Barth 2nd Jan 1949 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2033
KBA 9349.2 Erich Studer, Kirchgemeinderat Thun an Karl Barth 2nd Jan 1949 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2033
KBA 98786.31 Kurt Wilhelm Lentrodt an Charlotte von Kirschbaum 2nd Jan 1949 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2033
KBA 98808.347 Käthe Seifert an Charlotte von Kirschbaum 2nd Jan 1949 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2033
KBA 98825.29 Aenne Traub an Charlotte von Kirschbaum 2nd Jan 1949 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2033
KBA 98185.5 Maria Giebelhausen an Charlotte von Kirschbaum 3rd Jan 1949 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2033
KBA 9249.7 Karl Barth an Lukas Christ 3rd Jan 1949 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2033
KBA 9249.270 Karl Barth an Hessischer Rundfunk 3rd Jan 1949 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2033
KBA 9249.6 Karl Barth an A. Michael Ramsay 3rd Jan 1949 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2033
KBA 9249.4 Karl Barth an Rudolf Schlunk, Pfarramt der Renitenten Kirche U.A.C. 3rd Jan 1949 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2033
KBA 9249.5 Karl Barth an Heinrich Ott 3rd Jan 1949 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2033
KBA 9249.8 Karl Barth an unbekannt unbekannt: [Betrifft Manuskript "Untergetaucht..." von Anne Frank] 3rd Jan 1949 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2033
KBA 9349.4 Gerty Pestalozzi an Karl Barth 3rd Jan 1949 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2033
KBA 9349.6 Ernst Sartorius an Karl Barth 3rd Jan 1949 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2033
KBA 9349.5 Sigfrid von Engeström, Olaus Petri-Stiftung an Karl Barth 3rd Jan 1949 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2033
KBA 98754.37 Sophie Apolant an Charlotte von Kirschbaum 3rd Jan 1949 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2033
1 to 25 from 1728 Entries