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Brief :: Briefe (Fonds)  >

Briefe 1959 :: Briefe aus dem Jahr 1959 (Class)

Reference CodeBriefe 1959
TitleBriefe aus dem Jahr 1959
Creation1959 – 1963
Level of DescriptionClass
Object TypeCollection
Description Control
Created2018-05-27 11:42:46 / anton
Updated2022-05-13 09:03:58 / anton  
2019-03-13 19:57:16 / tstarzynski
2018-10-17 11:47:17 / tstarzynski
2018-06-17 16:50:35 / anton


Identifier Title Date Level of description Other information
KBA 9259.1 Karl Barth an Willy Fries 1st Jan 1959 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2043
KBA 10320 Karl Barth an Fritz Lieb, Londoner Konferenz gegen atomare Aufrüstung: An Internationale Atomkonferenz London 1959, z.H. an Fritz Lieb 1st Jan 1959 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2043
KBA 9359.3 Ernst Imobersteg an Karl Barth 1st Jan 1959 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2043
KBA 9359.1 Karl Stoevesandt an Karl Barth 1st Jan 1959 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2043
KBA 9359.2 Hannah Weber an Karl Barth 1st Jan 1959 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2043
KBA 9359.4 Kurt Brenner an Karl Barth 2nd Jan 1959 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2043
KBA 9359.5 Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts Hessischer Rundfunk an Karl Barth 2nd Jan 1959 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2043
KBA 98812.269 Lili Simon an Charlotte von Kirschbaum 2nd Jan 1959 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2043
KBA 9359.6 Jost H. Fortlage an Karl Barth 3rd Jan 1959 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2043
KBA 9359.7 Karl Barth an Karl Barth: Zum Geleit 3rd Jan 1959 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2043
KBA 9359.8 Richard Imberg an Karl Barth: Widmung 3rd Jan 1959 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2043
KBA 9359.10 Heinrich Gelzer an Karl Barth 4th Jan 1959 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2043
KBA 9359.9 Charles Hall, Department of Biblical History, Literature and Interpretation an Karl Barth 4th Jan 1959 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2043
KBA 9359.11 Friedrich Herzog an Karl Barth 5th Jan 1959 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2043
KBA 9359.13 Marcel Pfändler, Evangelischer Verlag Zollikon-Zürich an Karl Barth 5th Jan 1959 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2043
KBA 9359.12 Marcel Pfändler, Evangelischer Verlag Zollikon-Zürich an Karl Barth 5th Jan 1959 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2043
KBA 9359.14 Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts Hessischer Rundfunk an Karl Barth 5th Jan 1959 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2043
KBA 9359.17 Hildebrandt an Karl Barth 6th Jan 1959 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2043
KBA 9359.16 Marc André Lutz an Karl Barth 6th Jan 1959 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2043
KBA 9359.15 Charles C. West, Oekumenischer Rat der Kirchen in Verbindung mit dem Internationalen Missionsrat an Karl Barth 6th Jan 1959 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2043
KBA 9359.18 Lydia Hoppe an Karl Barth 7th Jan 1959 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2043
KBA 9359.20 Dietrich Mendt an Karl Barth 7th Jan 1959 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2043
KBA 9359.19 "Secor Dabar" Theologisch litterarisch oratorisch gesellschap an Karl Barth 7th Jan 1959 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2043
KBA 9259.2 Charlotte von Kirschbaum an Marcel Pfändler, Evangelischer Verlag Zollikon-Zürich 8th Jan 1959 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2043
KBA 9259.3 Charlotte von Kirschbaum an Charles und Anne Hall 8th Jan 1959 Item: 1 letter digitized | Protection period until: 2043
1 to 25 from 1505 Entries