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KBA 0.0.181 :: Karl Barth an Olivier Béguin, Commission oecumenique pour l'aide spirituelle aux prisonniers de guerre (Item)

Reference CodeKBA 0.0.181
TitleKarl Barth an Olivier Béguin, Commission oecumenique pour l'aide spirituelle aux prisonniers de guerre
Author:in Barth, Karl
Genf (GE), ca. no date / Béguin, Olivier
Level of DescriptionItem
Extent (count)


Object Typeletter
Extent and medium of the unit of description

1 Bl.

Content and Structure Area
Scope and content

Briefdurchschlag Typoskript

Conditions of Access and Use
Access/Use Restrictionsprolonged period of protection
Allied Materials
LocationBruderholzallee 26
Description Control
Created2018-05-28 20:34:56 / anton
Updated2022-05-11 14:39:40 / pzocher  
2020-02-11 18:59:19 / pzocher
2019-08-28 17:39:14 / anton
2019-03-13 18:53:09 / tstarzynski
2019-01-09 12:32:17 / tstarzynski
2018-06-17 15:49:21 / anton
created from